As most of you can see from the website, we have not been posting any news, that’s because the last 3 years have been very dificult Psycologically. All the Dogs except for 5 have been poisoned or brutally killed and/or both. The 18 dogs that I had informed the then NEW MAYOR were all poisoned by a Gipsy with a grey Toyota Corolla fake license plate, never captured. Another Seven were poisoned allegedly again during the Potatoe crop season (reminder: Boycott against potatoe farmers of Achaea). the other 6 were killed presumably by the local peasants. We as a society will continue to try and help when called upon., We do not need any funding at the moment, I pay for the Dogs and cats myself and prefer it this way for now! As for the municipal of Achaia , one word! ΛΥΠΑΜΑΙ. hopefully animal lovers of Achaia will read this and vote against, the as I say uncivilized being.

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